A search for "office manager", "project social worker" and "intern"

作者:Spring Girl 2021-10-27

招聘岗位 Positions


Office manager


Project specialist (priority for social worker)


福利待遇 Benefits

  • 灵活的办公时间,错开拥堵高峰;周末双休,如需加班,会安排调休或计算加班工资;
  • Flexible office hours, staggering the congested peak; double breaks on weekends, if overtime is needed, transfer will be arranged or overtime pay will be calculated.

  • 人际交往机会多,接触多领域专业大咖、志愿者团队,融入由义工、专家组成的社会组织温馨大家庭;
  • Many opportunities for interpersonal interaction, contact with professional gurus and volunteer teams in multiple fields, integration into a warm family of social organizations composed of volunteers and experts.

  • 完善的福利保障体系,入职即签订劳动合同、购买六险一金,提供带薪年假、年度体检、电话补助、生日补贴、高温补贴、节日福利、出差补贴等,每年享调薪机会;
  • Perfect welfare protection system, employment contract signed upon joining, purchase of six insurance and one fund, provision of paid annual leave, annual physical examination, telephone allowance, birthday allowance, high temperature allowance, holiday benefits, travel allowance, etc., and  enjoyment of the opportunity of salary adjustment every year.

  • 享有带薪培训的机会,支持你参加付费培训,更有各种减免费用的学习、交流和进修的机会;
  • The opportunity to enjoy paid training, support for you to attend paid training, and various opportunities for learning, exchange and further training at reduced fees.

  • 充分的赋权和信任,开放、自由的发展空间,为你提供施展身手的舞台,春风打造十余年的品牌、平台与资源,为你备下实现梦想的沃土!
  • Full empowerment and trust, open and free development space, to provide you with the stage to show your skills, brand, platform and resources that Spring Breeze has built for more than ten years, to prepare fertile ground for you to achieve your dreams!

招聘要求 Recruitment requirements

  01    办公室主任 1名   (1 Office Director)

【工作内容 Work content】

  • 参与机构年度规划和重大决策事项的讨论;
  • Participate in the annual planning of the institution and the discussion of major decision-making matters.

  • 负责办公室对内、对外发函、通知、申请等文件的起草,协助各种管理规章制度的建立、修订及执行监督,机构文化的建立等;
  • Responsible for the drafting of documents such as internal and external letters, notices and applications issued by the office, assist in the establishment, revision and implementation supervision of various management rules and regulations, and the establishment of the agency's culture.

  • 负责机构人员的招聘;
  • To be responsible for the recruitment of personnel for the agency.

  • 对各部门的工作进行协调及督办,确保机构各项工作的有效落实,保证公共事务的顺利开展;
  • Coordinating and supervising the work of various departments to ensure the effective implementation of the work of the agency and the smooth running of public affairs.

  • 负责管理机构的资质审批、注册登记、变更、认证等事宜;
  • Being responsible for managing the agency's qualification approval, registration, change and certification.

  • 负责机构文件和相关资料的总体分类和保管。
  • Responsible for the overall classification and storage of agency documents and related materials.

【任职条件 Requirements】

  • 人力资源管理、行政管理、社工等专业,本科及以上学历,年龄35周岁以下(条件优秀者可放宽年龄);
  • Majors in human resource management, administration, social work, bachelor degree or above, aged below 35 (age relaxation is available for those with excellent conditions).

  • 有2年以上办公室主任或同级别任职资历者优先;
  • Preferably with more than 2 years of experience as office director or at the same level.

  • 遵纪守法,爱岗敬业,具有良好的思想品德和职业道德,较强的责任心和服务意识;
  • Compliance with the law, love for work, good moral character and professional ethics, strong sense of responsibility and service consciousness.

  • 具备优秀的人际沟通能力、组织协调能力和团队合作精神;
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills, organizational coordination skills and teamwork spirit.

  • 有良好的文字功底,或熟悉社会组织相关法律知识、法律事务处理程序者优先。
  • Have good writing skills, or familiar with the relevant legal knowledge of social organizations, legal affairs processing procedures are preferred.

【薪资待遇 Salary】

  • 7000元-9000元,具体面议
  • 7000RMB-9000RMB, negotiable

  02    项目专员(优先社工)2名 (2 Project Specialist (priority social worker)

【岗位职责 Job Responsibilities】
  • 负责公益项目的运营,包括项目调研、设计与申报、项目组织跟进及执行、结项评估等工作,项目期间的对内对外的联络、合作、资源拓展等工作的跟进及落实;
  • Responsible for the operation of public welfare projects, including project research, design and declaration, project organization follow-up and implementation, project evaluation, etc., work follow-up and implementation of internal and external liaison, cooperation, resource development and so on during the period of project.

  • 做好项目的痕迹和档案管理,收集项目过程、定期总结项目进展及成果,形成文字报告、视频、等形式,确保项目有效实施以及各阶段痕迹资料的完整性及有效性,以及配合传播进行项目宣传策划;
  • To do the project trace and file management, collect the project process, regularly summarize the project progress and results, form text reports, videos, etc., to ensure the effective implementation of the project and the integrity and validity of the trace information at all stages, as well as to cooperate with communications for project publicity planning.

  • 配合协助其他项目的推广执行,开展项目合作与研究,提升项目影响力。
  • Cooperate with and assist in the promotion and implementation of other projects, and carry out project cooperation and research to enhance the impact of the project.

【任职要求 Requirement】

  • 35岁以下,大专及以上学历,具备社会组织项目管理经验、非营利组织实践经验,或有志于心理干预事业者优先,条件优秀者可放宽年龄;
  • Under 35 years old, college degree or above, with experience in project management in social organizations, practical experience in non-profit organizations, or interested in psychological intervention career are preferred, age relaxation is available for those with excellent conditions.

  • 熟练运用office办公软件,良好的写作、表达能力,有社会组织项目书撰写经验优先;
  • Proficiency in office software, good writing and expression skills, experience in writing project books for social organizations are preferred.

  • 热爱社会工作,工作积极主动、耐心细致,善于沟通协作,良好的团队意识;
  • Passionate about social work, proactive, patient and meticulous, good at communication and collaboration, good team spirit.

  • 善于规划、实施和总结,有较强的执行力;
  • Good at planning, implementing and summarizing, with strong execution ability.

  • 愿意与机构一起成长,长期稳定发展;
  • Willing to grow with the agency and develop steadily in the long term.

  • 取得社会工作师、心理咨询师等相关资质,有社会工作、公共管理、社会学、教育学、心理学、儿童教育、心理辅导等相关专业背景及工作经验者优先。
  • Obtain relevant qualifications such as social worker, counselor, etc. Backgrounds and work experience in social work, public administration, sociology, education, psychology, child education, counseling and other related disciplines are preferred.

【薪资待遇 Salary】

  • 5000-7000元,具体面议
  • 5000-7000RMB, negotiable

  03    实习生 多名 (Multiple Internship

【工作内容 Job Description】

  • 参与公益项目运营,包括项目策划、执行、结项等;
  • Participate in the operation of public welfare projects, including project planning, execution and closing.

  • 组织、协调项目相关培训、路演、推广、募捐等活动;
  • Organize and coordinate project-related training, roadshows, promotion, fundraising and other activities.

  • 负责社群运营,协助机构行政事务等工作;
  • Responsible for community operation and assisting in the administrative affairs of the organization.

  • 负责机构自媒体平台账号的内容整理、撰写、编辑及发布等。
  • Responsible for organizing, writing, editing and publishing the content of the organization's self-media accounts.

【任职条件 Requirements】

  • 本科及以上在读或应届毕业生,社会工作、管理学、社会学、教育学、心理学、儿童教育等相关专业背景,有非营利组织项目管理工作经验优先;
  • Bachelor's degree or above current or recent graduates with backgrounds in social work, management, sociology, education, psychology, child education and other related majors, experience of project management in non-profit organizations is preferred.

  • 每周至少上班一天,可提供6个月以上的实习时间;
  • Work at least one day a week and can provide more than 6 months of internship time.

  • 热爱社会工作,工作主动、耐心细致,有韧性,有责任心、服务心,善于沟通协作,有在公益组织发展的愿望;
  • A passion for social work, working proactively, patiently and meticulously, resilient, responsible, service-oriented, good at communication and collaboration, and a desire to develop in a public interest organization.

  • 有良好文字、口头表达能力;具备较强的文字撰写能力,熟悉使用office办公软件、公众号编辑器、PS 、PR等软件;
  • Good writing and verbal skills; strong writing skills, familiar with the use of office software, public editor, PS, PR and other software.

  • 必要时愿意在周末等日常工作时间之外履行职责。
  • Willing to perform duties outside of daily working hours such as weekends when necessary.

【薪资待遇 Salary】

  • 120/天
  • 120/day

简历投递 Resume Submission

  • 将你的【个人简历+照片+岗位+可上岗时间】至邮箱:chunguniang@858.org.cn(请在邮件标题注明“姓名+申请岗位名称”)
  • Send your [resume + photo + position + available time] to chunguniang@858.org.cn (please specify "name + name of applied position " in the email title)

  • 如你的简历被采纳,我们将在收到邮件的一周内与你联系,通知面试时间及地点,请留意你的邮箱并保持手机畅通。(收到邮件请记得回复!
  • If your resume is accepted, we will contact you within a week of receiving the email to inform you of the interview time and location, please keep an eye on your email and keep your cell phone open. (Please remember to reply when you receive the email!)

  • 申请者提供的所有信息只作招聘之用。
  • All information provided by the applicants is for recruitment purposes only.

春风基地 Spring Breeze Base

  • 深圳市南山区南山大道1122-1南油第四工业区2栋
  • Building 2, Nanyou 4th Industrial Zone, 1122-1 Nanshan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

  • 公交:南山派出所 
  • Public transportation:Nanshan Police Station 

  • 地铁:南山地铁站(D出口)
  • Subway:Nanshan Subway Station (Exit D)

关于春风 About Spring Breeze

  • 深圳市春风应激干预服务中心(简称“春风”)是致力于心理应激干预领域枢纽型社会组织,源于2005年中国大陆首个预防性侵害、援助遭遇者公益项目“春风计划”,2006年创建心理创伤援助公益平台“春风网”(www.858.org.cn),2014年在深圳市民政局注册,业务主管单位为深圳市卫生健康促进委员会,是深圳市社会心理服务协会理事单位。
  • Shenzhen Spring Breeze Stress Intervention Service Center ("Spring Breeze") is a pivotal social organization dedicated to psychological stress intervention, which originated from "Spring Breeze Project", the first public welfare project to prevent sexual assault and assist victims in mainland China in 2005. It was registered with Shenzhen Civil Affairs Bureau in 2014, and its business supervisor is Shenzhen Health Promotion Committee, and it is the director unit of Shenzhen Psychosocial Service Association.

  • 春风由深圳发起,服务全国。从事干预、预防各类因素引发的心理创伤,应对各种事件负面影响,增强正向资源、提升个人和团体效能的专业机构,是目前国内唯一一家提供从事前预防、事中干预到事后恢复全闭环服务的心理机构。
  • Spring Breeze is initiated by Shenzhen and serves the whole country. It is a professional organization engaged in intervention and prevention of psychological trauma triggered by various factors, coping with the negative impact of various events, enhancing positive resources, and improving individual and group effectiveness, and is currently the only psychological organization in China that provides a full closed-loop service from pre-prevention, intervention to post-recovery.

  • 近年来,春风连续主办两年一届的深圳市心理应激干预大会;开展心理应激援助骨干人才培育;为深圳市中小学心理老师提供校园危机培训,为中小学校长提供自杀危机的预防与干预讲座;多次参与国内外多地重大突发事件心理危机干预,社会心理体系建设作出了应有的贡献,央视、新华网等各级媒体报道过百次,在国内相关领域具有较高的知名度和美誉度。
  • In recent years, Spring Breeze has hosted the biennial Shenzhen Psychological Stress Intervention Conference; carried out backbone talent cultivation for psychological stress assistance; provided campus crisis training for primary and secondary school psychology teachers in Shenzhen, and lectures on suicide crisis prevention and intervention for primary and secondary school principals; participated in psychological crisis intervention for many major emergencies at home and abroad, and made due contributions to the construction of social psychological system, with report of media at all levels such as CCTV and Xinhua for more than a hundred times, and it has a high reputation and popularity in the related fields in China.

"春风"的故事  The story of "Spring Breeze”


       “123,对性骚扰说不!”                               开展心理援助工作          

"123, Say No to Sexual Harassment!"       Carry out psychological assistance work


开展性安全教育课堂                                                培育心理应激人才  

Conducting sex safety education classes      Cultivating psychological stress talents   


全国性侵预防与应对高峰论坛                           心理应激干预大会        

          National Summit Forum on Sexual      Psychological Stress Intervention Conference

Assault Prevention and Response                                                         

  • 服务成果:目前春风已出版儿童性安全教育系列绘本7册、动画7集;搭建“校园性安全防护体系”、“校园心理应激干预体系”;常年开展“春风快乐成长计划——儿童性安全教育进课堂、进社区”、“性安全教育种子师资培育”等项目,为5000多人次提供了直接的心理、法律等援助,开展公益讲座、培训等超18万人次,间接受益者超过1000万人次,多次获得全国和亚洲奖项。
  • Service achievements: At present, Spring Breeze has published 7 picture books and 7 animated episodes of children's sexual safety education series; built "campus sexual safety protection system" and "campus psychological stress intervention system"; carried out "Spring Breeze Happy Growth Program - children's sexual safety education in the classroom and community" and "sexual safety education seed teachers" all year round providing direct psychological and legal assistance for more than 5,000 people, and conducting public welfare lectures and training for more than 180,000 people. The program has indirectly benefited more than 10 million people, and won many national and Asian awards.


