CIFA 4TH Regional Symposium

作者:春风姑娘 2014-07-18

Dear Sir/ Madam,






Following the exciting and successful 3rd Regional Symposium at the National University of Singapore in December 2012, it is time to invite you to the 4th Regional Symposium to be held from 13th to 15th November 2014 at the East China University of Science & Technology (ECUST) at Shanghai, China.


This 4th Regional Symposium is a special one as we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family, first promulgated by the United Nations in 1994. Over the past two decades, the world has been facing great challenges brought about by rapid social changes, including globalization, the ageing population, man-made and natural disasters, changing values towards family and marriage, breaking up of the family system, deterioration of human relationship and malfunctioning of families; loss of loved ones and home; unemployment and poverty.


The 20th Anniversary of IYF offers an opportunity to review challenges faced by families worldwide, refocus on the role of the family in development, take stock of recent trends in family policy development and recommend solutions, as well as to, share good practices. CIFA, being a regional platform with the mission of "Converging Professional Wisdom For Family Well-Being" has decided to respond to the call of the United Nations to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of IYF in all its endeavors in the year. We have thus chosen "Visioning the Future of Family: Policy & Practice" as the main theme of the Symposium and the following sub-themes as advocated by the United Nations, namely Poverty in Family, Trans-generational Issues and Work Family Balance.


Government, together with the private and the third sector, has to work hand-in-hand to formulate effective policies, develop innovative measures and provide timely support and intervention to address these issues. Professionals and families have to create a dialogue and be engaged in the process of building resilience and healing. We need the commitment and close collaboration of all to rebuild the family system and enhance family functioning. Each one of us at CIFA has an important role to play, in our own families, organizations, society and the region as a whole, to make the world a better place for everyone.


We are delighted that CIFA and the School of Social & Public Administration and Centre For Social Work Research of the East China University of Science & Technology (ECUST) are joining hands to organize this Regional Symposium. This demonstrates the continuous regional efforts, through the CIFA platform, to come together and collaborate for promoting the well-being of families. We are thankful to Prof. He Xue Song, Prof. Fan Bin and Dr. Miranda Chung for co-chairing the Scientific Committee, and Prof. Zhu Mei Hua to be the Coordinator for the Symposium. We are sure, with their unfailing efforts and input, the Symposium will be a success.


You and you representatives are requested to join this special event which will mark another milestone in the development of CIFA. You are also encouraged to submit abstract of paper for presentation at the Symposium. Please register at as soon as possible to benefit from the early bird rate.


We look forward to a fruitful and exciting Symposium, with your full support and active participation.


Yours sincerely,

Prof. XU Yongxiang Mrs. Patricia CHU

Co-Chairperson Co-Chairperson

Organizing Committee Organizing Committee



Timothy Li

Project Manager


Tel: (852) 2859 5301

Fax: (852) 2559 1813

Address: 6/F Tsan Yuk Hospital, 30 Hospital Road, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong.




