Talk something about the Qingming Festival and psychological care

作者:Spring Girl 2014-04-03


       Qingming Festival has come, and on this special day we can't help but think of our loved ones and friends who have passed away,which was the days that tore our hearts apart left  the deep pain in our hearts.The departed will be gone forever. What needs to be cared for ourselves , our own inner world and the emotional connection with our loved ones.What was the mirror image of our mind during that time?When the loss of a close friend, the pain, trembling heart, does get comfort and help? Do we  successfully go through the sorrow, faced up to the pain, to find the courage of life and new life goals?



 Reaction to losing a loved one  

       After hearing the tragic news, most people are in extreme pain. Emotional numbness or fainting can be severe. There may also be difficulty breathing or suffocation, and cries of pain or exclamations reflected the extreme excitement after the loss of a loved one.After acute reaction, some people can appear some anxiety and depression, blame themselves do not pay enough attention to the deceased, feel guilty,  often emerge the image of the dead or hallucinations, difficult to maintain calm state of mind, even can't arrange their daily life, accompanied by fatigue, insomnia, reduce appetite and other gastrointestinal symptoms.Suicidal attempts or behaviors may occur in severely depressed people.As time goes on, after about six months, people will gradually calm down and most people can accept the fact, although sad emotions will still come to mind, especially on the anniversary of the death.Others, however, remain unwilling to accept the bereavement and may experience a long period of emotional numbness and apathy, eager to immerse themselves in work or other activities in order to distract themselves from thinking about the deceased.If this kind of sad, depressed mood lasts for more than 6 months,it is not normal emotional responses: obviously excited or slow depression, for example, have a strong sense of guilt and remorse, feel difficult to accept the reality and fantasy of the dead alive, suicide attempts persist, hallucinations, delusions, emotional indifference, panic attacks, or excessive activity, behavior, hasty, irresponsible, and so on.




The support you deserve after losing a loved one

       Most people are able to cope with the grief of losing a loved one. They can get support and understanding from friends and family.In the early stage of relatives leaving, after suffering unbearable blow, they are often unable to take the initiative to contact with people, often be in a state of numbness,at this time,the relatives and friends should provide specific and practical help.Being by their side, holding hands, or maintaining other physical contact help them feel that they are not alone in their misfortune and helps them stay connected to the real world.It will be weeks or months before the real impact and true meaning of the loss becomes apparent, and it will be a major, internal shock to them. Every detail of life triggers an emotional chain reaction of dealing with funerals, notifying friends, disposing of belongings and so on. Friends and relatives are required to temporarily help with daily tasks such as looking after their children and housekeeping.When necessary, remind them of their diet, make sure they get enough rest, help them prioritize, etc.The death of a close friend brings about a series of changes, and the secondary loss is often overlooked, especially when the secondary loss appears as an intangible or symbolic loss.Parents who have lost a child, for example, have lost not only the child, but also the role of parenthood, and some feel they have lost a part of themselves.Relatives need to help them recognize this and encourage them to express their feelings. Crying is a natural emotional expression of people in pain, and it doesn't mean weakness.The departed loved ones were once part of us, but now they are gone and can only exist in our memories, and we need to better live and set new goals in life.
In this day of clearing mind, go to the place where our loved ones are buried, where we can express our grief, tell what we miss, comfort our hearts and calm our mood, and then we can make clear the new goal of life and walk towards a new life.


