"Buckle up the first button of life" Sexual safety education awareness campaign

作者:Spring girl 2022-03-10

1019日,护苗行动暨“防侵害进社区”宣教活动在盛平社区龙盛学校开展,活动是由龙岗区公安局、龙岗区民政局、龙岗区教育局联合主办,由龙岗区灯塔青少年生命安全教育中心承办,旨在满足青少年反诈骗、防性侵害、预防毒品的迫切需求,抓住青少年价值观形成的关键时期,引导青少 年“扣好人生第一粒扣子”。

On Oct. 19, the seedling protection action and the publicity and education activity of "preventing infringement into the community" was carried out in Longsheng School of Shengping community, which was jointly organized by the Longgang District Public Security Bureau, Longgang District Civil Affairs Bureau and Longgang District Education Bureau, and organized by the Longgang District Lighthouse Youth Life Safety Education Center. The program aims to meet the urgent needs of youth in anti-fraud, sexual assault prevention and drug prevention, to seize the critical period of youth value formation, and to guide youth to "buckle up the first button of life".



Shenzhen Spring Breeze Stress Intervention Service Center (hereinafter referred to as "Spring Breeze") was invited to participate in this event and brought the children a picture book story entitled "I am my own master".


Students always think that sex is a very embarrassing thing, but in the growing up, it seems that the crisis about sex is always around us.How to make people not embarrassed but improve their awareness of preventing sexual abuse?





Shenzhen Spring Breeze Stress Intervention Service Center's Sexual Safety Education Campaign


Spring Breeze compiled sex safety knowledge into interesting children's sex safety education picture books, and in this activity, Spring Breeze lecturers Huang Hongdan and Zhang Yafang restored the 2D picture book content to 3D through interesting body and language, which attracted many children to come and watch the exhibition.



"Students, the big-eared cat asked where the private parts of humans are. Do you know?" "Yes! It's the place where others can't freely touch or look at!" "And what are other people?" "Strangers?" "Mama Cat is here to tell you, it's everyone except yourself!"



The Spring Breeze instructors also led the students to do the "Spring Breeze Self-Protection Exercise", using a short "mnemonic" to make the knowledge more "memorable".



Spring Breeze hopes that all children will know how to take precautions and seek help, so that they can stay out of harm's way and grow up happily!


